PHYTOMANA is more than a brand. We are a family-owned company, and nano-hemp changed our lives.

In January 2022, my wife had the first of two (2) total hip reconstruction surgeries. Unfortunately, complications left her with painful neuropathy on one leg… a constant burning, pins and needles pain. At its absolute worst, her suffering was so severe that even a slight breeze or the weight of a bed sheet touching her leg brought her to tears. Her doctor prescribed heavy duty medications, but the nauseous side effects only added to her agony and brought her little relief. In a moment of desperation, I went to a local dispensary. I needed to find a solution to help my wife.

    I had long heard about the benefits of Hemp, but had no idea where to begin.

    I quickly discovered that the world of Hemp was overwhelming and frustrating. There were a million different companies, milligrams, and formulas to choose from. Unfortunately, finding an effective dose and a product that wasn’t full of imitation junk was far more difficult than it should have been. 

    So, I decided to create one instead! I partnered with an incredible Hemp lab in Colorado, and spent over 12 months learning all about Hemp and testing different products for effectiveness.

    Long story short, one formulation consistently proved to be superior to the competition.

    Nano-infused hemp changed my wife’s life. Her relief was nearly instantaneous after the first day, and she continues to live a life free from pain and discomfort!

    We knew we had to help others who needed relief, and thus our mission was born: HEMP SIMPLIFIED!

    Our goal is to take the guesswork out of choosing a Hemp product. Finding relief should be painless! And with us, it is.

    Welcome to the Phytomana family! We’re so glad you’re here!

    - James & Allyssa Cox